Statistical Methods for Estimating the non-random Content of Financial Markets
Statistical properties of agent-based market area model
Statistical properties of agent-based models in markets with continuous double auction mechanism
Statistical Properties of Cross-Correlation in the Korean Stock Market
Statistical properties of derivatives: a journey in term structures
Statistical Properties of Fluctuations: A Method to Check Market Behavior
Statistical properties of information flow in financial time series
Statistical properties of volatility return intervals of Chinese stocks
Statistical Regularities of Equity Market Activity
Statistical Signatures in Times of Panic: Markets as a Self-Organizing System
Statistical thermodynamics of economic systems
Statistically Optimal Strategy Analysis of a Competing Portfolio Market with a Polyvariant Profit Function
Steady coexistence of the subjects of the market representing the private and state capital
Stochastic analysis of an agent-based model
Stochastic discount factors
Stochastic events lead to accretion in Saturn's rings
Stochastic events lead to accretion in Saturn’s rings
Stochastic evolution equations in portfolio credit modelling with applications to exotic credit products
Stochastic impulse control on optimal execution with price impact and transaction cost
Stochastic Knapsack Problem Revisited: Switch-Over Policies and Dynamic Pricing