Security Pricing with Information-Sensitive Discounting
Selling a stock at the ultimate maximum
Semi-Closed Form Cubature and Applications to Financial Diffusion Models
Semi-Static Hedging Based on a Generalized Reflection Principle on a Multi Dimensional Brownian Motion
Semi-static hedging for certain Margrabe type options with barriers
Semiclosed Pricing Mechanism
Sensitivity analysis of the early exercise boundary for American style of Asian options
Sensitivity of the Performance of a Simple Exchange Model to its Topology
Sequences of Arbitrages
Sequential optimizing investing strategy with neural networks
Serial correlation and heterogeneous volatility in financial markets: beyond the LeBaron effect
Set-Valued Dynamic Risk Measures
Set-valued risk measures for conical market models
Shadow price in the power utility case
Shadow prices and well-posedness in the problem of optimal investment and consumption with transaction costs
Shaping tail dependencies by nesting box copulas
Shelf space strategy in long-tail markets
Shocks in financial markets, price expectation, and damped harmonic oscillators
Short-time behaviour of demand and price viewed through an exactly solvable model for heterogeneous interacting market agents
Shortfall Risk Approximations for American Options in the multidimensional Black--Scholes Model