Perpetual Cancellable American Call Option
Persistence in a Random Bond Ising Model of Socio-Econo Dynamics
Persistent collective trend in stock markets
Perturbation Expansion for Option Pricing with Stochastic Volatility
Perturbation theory in a pure exchange non-equilibrium economy
Perturbative Approach on Financial Markets
Perturbative Expansion of FBSDE in an Incomplete Market with Stochastic Volatility
Perturbative Expansion Technique for Non-linear FBSDEs with Interacting Particle Method
Perturbed Copula: Introducing the skew effect in the co-dependence
Phase transition in a log-normal Markov functional model
Phase transition in the rich-get-richer mechanism due to finite-size effects
Phenomenology of minority games in efficient regime
Picard approximation of stochastic differential equations and application to LIBOR models
Pioneer spacecraft operation at low and high spin rates
Polarization Versus Agglomeration
Pollution permits, Strategic Trading and Dynamic Technology Adoption
Portfolio Insurance under a risk-measure constraint
Portfolio liquidation in dark pools in continuous time
Portfolio optimisation under non-linear drawdown constraints in a semimartingale financial model
Portfolio optimization in a defaults model under full/partial information