Counterparty Risk and the Impact of Collateralization in CDS Contracts
Counterparty Risk FAQ: Credit VaR, PFE, CVA, DVA, Closeout, Netting, Collateral, Re-hypothecation, WWR, Basel, Funding, CCDS and Margin Lending
Counterparty risk valuation for CDS
Counterparty risk valuation for Energy-Commodities swaps: Impact of volatilities and correlation
Counterparty Risk Valuation: A Marked Branching Diffusion Approach
Coupled Oscillator Model of the Business Cycle with Fluctuating Goods Markets
Coupling Index and Stocks
Cousins VRI standard stars in the M 67 dipper asterism
Credit Calibration with Structural Models: The Lehman case and Equity Swaps under Counterparty Risk
Credit contagion and risk management with multiple non-ordered defaults
Credit Default Swap Calibration and Counterparty Risk Valuation with a Scenario based First Passage Model
Credit Default Swap Calibration and Equity Swap Valuation under Counterparty Risk with a Tractable Structural Model
Credit Default Swaps Liquidity modeling: A survey
Credit derivatives pricing with default density term structure modelled by Lévy random fields
Credit derivatives: instruments of hedging and factors of instability. The example of ?Credit Default Swaps? on French reference entities
Credit models and the crisis, or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the CDOs
Credit risk - A structural model with jumps and correlations
Credit risk modeling using time-changed Brownian motion
Credit risk premia and quadratic BSDEs with a single jump
Credit Risk, Market Sentiment and Randomly-Timed Default