Convenient Multiple Directions of Stratification
Convergence and cluster structures in EU area according to fluctuations in macroeconomic indices
Convergence of Heston to SVI
Convergence of Income Growth Rates in Evolutionary Agent-Based Economics
Convex duality in stochastic programming and mathematical finance
Convex order properties of discrete realized variance and applications to variance options
Convex risk measures for good deal bounds
Convex Risk Measures: Lebesgue Property on one Period and Multi Period Risk Measures and Application in Capital Allocation Problem
Cooperation amongst competing agents in minority games
Cooperation Evolution in Random Multiplicative Environments
Copula-based Hierarchical Aggregation of Correlated Risks. The behaviour of the diversification benefit in Gaussian and Lognormal Trees
Correction to "Leverage and volatility feedback effects in high-frequency data" [J. Financial Econometrics 4 (2006) 353--384]
Correlated multi-asset portfolio optimisation with transaction cost
Correlated Random Walks and the Joint Survival Probability
Correlation breakdown, copula credit default models and arbitrage
Correlation of financial markets in times of crisis
Correlation, hierarchies, and networks in financial markets
Correlation, Network and Multifractal Analysis of Global Financial Indices
Correlations and clustering in the trading of members of the London Stock Exchange
Correlations in commodity markets