Characterizing Multi-Scale Self-Similar Behavior and Non-Statistical Properties of Financial Time Series
Choix stratégiques de la firme et contrôle financier
Clarifications to Questions and Criticisms on the Johansen-Ledoit-Sornette Bubble Model
Class formation in a social network with asset exchange
Classical and quantum randomness and the financial market
Classification of barrier options
Clean Valuation Framework for the USD Silo
Climate informed flood frequency analysis and prediction in Montana using hierarchical Bayesian modeling
Climbing Down from the Top: Single Name Dynamics in Credit Top Down Models
Closed form asymptotics for local volatility models
Cluster formation and evolution in networks of financial market indices
Clustering of discretely observed diffusion processes
Co-movement of energy commodities revisited: Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis
Coherence-based multivariate analysis of high frequency stock market values
Coherent Price Systems and Uncertainty-Neutral Valuation
Collateral Margining in Arbitrage-Free Counterparty Valuation Adjustment including Re-Hypotecation and Netting
Collateralized CDS and Default Dependence
Collective behavior in financial market
Collective behavior of stock price movements in an emerging market
Collective behavior of stock prices as a precursor to market crash