Validation of SCIAMACHY Ozone Limb Profiles by ASUR
Validation of Space Weather Products
Validation of Techniques for Space Based Remote Sensing of Auroral Precipitation and Its Ionospheric Effects
Validation of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder radiative transfer algorithm
Validation of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Water Vapor Retrievals Using Global Positioning System: Case Study in South Korea
Validation of the MIPAS Level 2 Products Using Reference Atmospheres
Validation of the Objective Analysis Algorithm IDA3D
Validation of the RAGE Hydrocode for Impact Modeling
Validation of the SWMF Magnetosphere: Fields and Particles
Validation of the Weak Equivalence Principle in a Spatially-Vsl Gravitation Model
Validation of University of New Brunswick Ionospheric Modeling Technique with ionosonde TEC estimation over South Africa
Validation of winds from the High-Resolution Doppler Imager on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS)
Validation Process of the STVF Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Facility
Validation, parameterization dependence, and future projection of daily precipitation simulated with a high-resolution atmospheric GCM
Validity domain of a perturbative approach for rot. effects on asteroseismic data
Validity of Kirchhoff Theory for Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from Random Rough Surfaces with Emphasis on Fractal Models
Validity of spectrographic determinations of trace elements in granite G-1 and diabase W-1
Validity of the estimates of night-time meridional winds made from bottomside ionograms
Validity of Using a Fixed Analog Input for Evaluating the SEU Sensivity of a Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter
Validity on radar observation of middle- and upper-atmosphere dynamics