Vacuum ultraviolet imagery of the Virgo Cluster region. II - Total far-ultraviolet flux of galaxies
Vacuum ultraviolet images of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Vacuum ultraviolet spectra of carbonaceous chondrites
Vacuum-Flex Figuring of Primary Telescope Mirrors
VAGO method for the solution of elliptic second-order boundary value problems
Vagueness of Linguistic variable
VALD - The Vienna Atomic Line Database: A Survey
Valence extraction using EM selection and co-occurrence matrices
Valence Induction with a Head-Lexicalized PCFG
Valence State Partitioning of Cr and V Between Pyroxene-Melt: Estimates of Oxygen Fugacity for Martian Basalt QUE 94201
Valence State Partitioning of V Between Augite/Melt Crystallized from a Highly Spiked Martian Basalt Composition as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity (IW-1 to FMQ)
Valence state partitioning of V between pyroxene-melt: Effects of pyroxene and melt composition, and direct determination of V valence states by XANES. Application to Martian basalt QUE 94201 composition.
Valid formulas, games and network protocols
Validating a Web Service Security Abstraction by Typing
Validating AIRS upper atmosphere water vapor retrievals using aircraft and balloon in situ measurements
Validating ionospheric models with measured electron density profiles
Validating MOPITT cloud detection techniques with MAS images
Validating the DS-1 Remote Agent Experiment
Validating the First Habitable-Zone Planet Candidates Identified by the NASA Kepler Mission
Validating the microwave sounding unit stratospheric record using GPS occultation