Variable Threshold MOSFET Approach (Through Dynamic Threshold MOSFET) For Universal Logic Gates
Variable Ti-content and grain size of titanomagnetite as a function of cooling rate in very young MORB
Variable Uv-source Catalog From The Galex Database
Variable wind velocity in 59 CYG
Variable Word Rate N-grams
Variable-Rate Distributed Source Coding in the Presence of Byzantine Sensors
Variable-Rate M-PSK Communications without Channel Amplitude Estimation
Variables from 2MASS calibration fields (Plavchan+, 2008)
Variables stars in Palomar-Groningen field 3 (Ng+ 1997)
Variance Analysis of Randomized Consensus in Switching Directed Networks
Variance of the phase fluctuation of a radio signal in the case of the normal sounding of the ionosphere
Variance-Based Rewards for Approximate Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
Variances and fluctuations of the heliospheric magnetic field in solar polar flows
Variangular wind spirals
Variants of Constrained Longest Common Subsequence
Variants of Mersenne Twister Suitable for Graphic Processors
Variants of the LLL Algorithm in Digital Communications: Complexity Analysis and Fixed-Complexity Implementation
Variants of tilted-V events in Jupiter's decametric radio spectra
Variation and Synthetic Speech
Variation in eccentricity for the orbit of Cosmos 373, 1970-87A