Variable Constant of Gravitational and Celestial Mechanics
Variable elimination for building interpreters
Variable Equilibration in Silicates and Sulfides in Enstatite Chondrites: Implications for Metamorphic and Nebular Reaction Histories
Variable features on Mars V - Evidence for crater streaks produced by wind erosion
Variable fractionation of solar energetic particles according to first ionization potential
Variable frequency VLF signals in the magnetosphere Associated phenomena and plasma diagnostics
Variable Length Coding over the Two-User Multiple-Access Channel
Variable Mass Loss in Hot Subluminous Stars
Variable MGII Asymmetries in FK Comae Berenices
Variable mid-latitude X-ray source 3U 0042+32
Variable Neighborhood Search for the University Lecturer-Student Assignment Problem
Variable oxygen airglow on Venus as a probe of atmospheric dynamics
Variable resolution capability for multichannel filter spectrometers
Variable shape of magnetic hysteresis loops in the Chinese loess-paleosol sequence
Variable sigma Gaussian processes: An expectation propagation perspective
Variable Star Astronomy Education & Public Outreach Initiative
Variable stars
Variable Stars in IC 5152
Variable Stars in the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Variable structure control law for telescope pointing and tracking