Variability of black-hole binary sources, and Lense-Thirring orbital precession
Variability of Blazars
Variability of carbon monoxide in the Mars atmosphere
Variability of Comet Halley's coma: VEGA-1 and VEGA-2 magnetic field observations
Variability of diffusion of argon in albite, pyroxene, and olivine in shocked and unshocked samples
Variability of earth-emitted radiation from one year of Nimbus-6 ERB data
Variability of equatorial mesospheric echoes
Variability of ethane on Jupiter
Variability of gamma-ray sources (Torres+, 2001)
Variability of ionospheric parameters during geomagnetic storms at a middle latitude station: Comparisons with IRI model
Variability of location management costs with different mobilities and timer periods to update locations
Variability of Mars' North Polar Water Ice Cap. I. Analysis of Mariner 9 and Viking Orbiter Imaging Data
Variability of Mars' North Polar Water Ice Cap. II. Analysis of Viking IRTM and MAWD
Variability of Nb/U and Th/La in 3.0 to 2.7 Ga Superior Province ocean plateau basalts: implications for the timing of continental growth and lithosphere recycling
Variability of Neptune's 12.2-micron ethane emission feature
Variability of oxygen atom concentration in the lower thermosphere observed by rocket experiments
Variability of parameters of the F2-layer maximum in the quiet midlatitude ionosphere under low solar activity: 2. Strong fluctuations of critical frequency
Variability of phosphine on Jupiter from 5-micron spectroscopy
Variability of protostars in IC 1396
Variability of silicate glasses from the LUNAR regolith