uvby-beta photometry of metal-poor stars. VIII. (Schuster+ 1996)
uvbyβ photometry in 3 EUV shadow directions (Knude 1998)
UVCS Observations and Modeling of Streamers
UVCS Observations of Velocity Shear at Streamer Boundaries in the Corona
UVCS Observations of Velocity Shear at Streamer Boundaries in the Corona
UVCS/SOHO Observations of H I Lyman Alpha Line Profiles in Coronal Holes at Heliocentric Heights Above 3.0 R&sun;
UVCS/SOHO Observations of Spectral Line Profiles in Polar Coronal Holes
UVCS: The ultraviolet coronograph spectrometer for SOHO
UVES at Kueyen: bright prospects for high-resolution spectroscopy at the VLT.
UVES instrument software in the VLT environment
UVES/VLT spectra of white dwarfs (Koester+, 2001)
UVES/VLT spectra of white dwarfs (Koester+, 2009)
UVIS Channel Ghosts after Filter Replacement
UVIS G280 Flux Calibration
UVIS G280 Wavelength Calibration
UVIS observations of the FUV OI and CO 4P Venus dayglow during the Cassini flyby
UVIS Stray Light
UVIS tungsten lamp cross-check
UVIS/HDAC Lyman-α observations of the geocorona during Cassini’s Earth swingby compared to model predictions
UVolution: Compared photochemistry of prebiotic organic compounds in low Earth orbit and in the laboratory