TASC measurements/upper limits for energetic gamma-ray bursts within the EGRET field of view
Task Frames
Task Interaction in an HTN Planner
Task swapping networks in distributed systems
Task-Driven Adaptive Statistical Compressive Sensing of Gaussian Mixture Models
Task-Level Control for a Full Semi-Autonomous Mission: Test Platform Development and Demonstration
Tasking Citizen Scientists from Galaxy Zoo to Model Galaxy Collisions
Tata Kelola Database Perguruan Tinggi Yang Optimal Dengan Data Warehouse
Tatouage Robuste Et Aveugle Dans Le Domaine Des Valeurs Singulieres
Tau Be or not Tau Be? - A Perspective on Service Compatibility and Substitutability
Taub Numbers
Taurid Swarm Appearing in 1998?
TAURUS - The imaging Fabry-Perot at La Silla
Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds
Tautomers of Cytosine and Their Excited Electronic States: a Matrix Isolation Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Study
TAUVEX flight calibrations: Plans and challenges
TAUVEX---UV observations from geosynchronous orbit
Taxonomy and synthesis of Web services querying languages
Taxonomy of asteroids in the Cybele region from the analysis of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey colors
Taylor Couette flow in a two-layer stratified fluid: instabilities and mixing