Magic Fairy Tales as Source for Interface Metaphors
Magic for Filter Optimization in Dynamic Bottom-up Processing
MAGIC Telescope Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Magical Number Seven Plus or Minus Two: Syntactic Structure Recognition in Japanese and English Sentences
Magma chambers in the Oman ophiolite: fed from the top and the bottom
Magma degassing and crystallization processes during eruptions of high-risk Neapolitan-volcanoes: Evidence of common equilibrium rising processes in alkaline magmas
Magma densities, magma reservoirs, and volcanic eruption styles on Io
Magma dynamics at Mt Etna: Constraints from U-Th-Ra-Pb radioactive disequilibria and Sr isotopes in historical lavas
Magma dynamics at the base of an evolving mafic magma chamber: Incompatible element evidence from the Partridge River intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota, USA
Magma expansion and fragmentation in a propagating dyke
Magma genesis and mantle flow at a subducting slab edge: the South Sandwich arc-basin system
Magma genesis in a battered moon - Effects of basin forming impacts
Magma mixing in granitic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada, California
Magma mixing triggered during volcanic eruptions
Magma Ocean Composition and the Lunar Mantle: Implications for the Source Lithologies of the Highlands Magnesian Suite
Magma reservoir at Mt. Vesuvius: Size of the hot, partially molten, crust material detected deeper than 8 km
Magma Reservoirs Feeding Giant Radiating Dike Swarms: Insights from Venus
Magma storage and horizontal dyke injection beneath a volcanic edifice
Magma storage conditions and control of eruption regime in silicic volcanoes: experimental evidence from Mt. Pelée
Magma vesiculation and infrasonic activity at Stromboli open conduit volcano