Jovian Global Photometry During the Galileo Epoch
Jovian Global Photometry During the Galileo Epoch
Jovian H2 dayglow emission (1978-1989)
Jovian jets as a probe for the mean free path in the inner heliosphere
Jovian non-thermal radio emission observed by STEREO/WAVES
Jovian Planet Finder Wavefront Correction
Jovian plasma torus interaction with Europa: 3D hybrid kinetic simulation. First results
Jovian protons and electrons: Pioneer 11
Jovian Satellites
Jovian Satellites
Jovian Satellites
Jovian Satellites
Jovian seismic waves and their detection
Jovian seismology
Jovian Seismology
Jovian stratospheric temperature during the two months following the impacts of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
Jovian temperature and cloud variability during the 2009-2010 fade of the South Equatorial Belt
Jovian Tropospheric Horizontal and Vertical Temperature Structure During the Galileo G1 Orbit
Jovian Upheaval and its Impact on Vortices
Jovian winds from Voyager 2. Part II - Analysis of eddy transports