Joint use of ionograms and results on simultaneous rocket measurements to calculate electron density profiles
Joint variations of temperature and water vapor over the midlatitude continents
Joint Wyner-Ziv/Dirty Paper coding by modulo-lattice modulation
Joint XMM-Newton/Chandra/RXTE Observations of Dips in Cyg X-1
Joint-sparse recovery from multiple measurements
Jointly Optimal Channel and Power Assignment for Dual-Hop Multi-channel Multi-user Relaying
Jointly Optimal Channel Pairing and Power Allocation for Multi-channel Multi-hop Relaying
Jointly Predicting Links and Inferring Attributes using a Social-Attribute Network (SAN)
Jordan Normal and Rational Normal Form Algorithms
Joule heating and field-aligned currents: Preliminary results from DE-2
Joule Heating Enhanced Phase Coarsening in Sn37Pb and Sn3.5Ag0.5Cu Solder Joints during Current Stressing
Joule heating in the mesosphere and thermosphere during the July 13, 1982, solar proton event
Journal of all RVs of eps Per primary (Libich+, 2006)
Journal of New Democratic Methods: An Introduction
Journal Status
Journals as constituents of scientific discourse: economic heterodoxy
Journées Scientifiques du Service des Calculs et de Mécanique Céleste du Bureau des Longitudes. Comptes rendus.
Jovian auroral spectroscopy with FUSE: analysis of self-absorption and implications for electron precipitation
Jovian chromophore characteristics from multispectral HST images
Jovian Dynamics. Part III: Multiple, Migrating, and Equatorial Jets.