Guided Data Repair
Guided Google: A Meta Search Engine and its Implementation using the Google Distributed Web Services
Guided Versus Unguided Learning: Which One To Choose?
Guided waves in magnetospheric tubes of enhanced density
Guided Z mode propagation observed in the OEDIPUS A tethered rocket experiment
Guidelines to Avoid Biocontamination of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Forward Contamination Concerns, Environmental Management and Scientific Stewardship of Icy analogue environments
Guiding on the Edge (V~19): Results from an AO Survey of Very Low Mass Stars Searching for Extremely Faint Companions
GuiLiner: A Configurable and Extensible Graphical User Interface for Scientific Analysis and Simulation Software
GutenTag: A Multi-Term Caching Optimized Tag Query Processor for Key-Value Based NoSQL Storage Systems
Gw - Detector's Output Processing at the Non-Gaussian Noise Background
GW Cancri: A W-type W UMa System with Complete Eclipses
GWIS: geostationary wedge-filter imager-sounder
Gypsum Dunes from White Sands National Monument - Potential Analog to North Polar Dunes on Mars
Gypsum Optical Constants in the Visible and Near-infrared: Real and Imagined
Gyro/fhst Scale-Factor and Alignment Calibration
Gyrohorizon compass system on a spacecraft
Gyrokinetic Studies of Turbulence Reduction with Reverse Shear ETG Transport Barriers or Lithium Walls
Gyrokinetic Theory and Simualtion of Mirror Instability
Gyrokinetic Theory and Simulation of Mirror Instability
Gyrophase drifts and the orbital evolution of dust at Jupiter's Gossamer Ring