GSC-II: an Overview of the Database System
GSC00008-00901 - New Discovered Eclipsing Binary
GSFC optical ozonesonde results during the Gap, France, intercomparisons, June 1981
gSketch: On Query Estimation in Graph Streams
GSM Security Using Identity-based Cryptography
GSWM-98: Results for migrating solar tides
GTC dome: entering into manufacturing
GTC-EMIR configurable slit unit development details
GTO ChIcAGO: Chandra Identification of ASCA Galactic Objects
GTO ChICAGO: Chandra Identification of Compact ASCA Galactic Objects
GTRACE-RS: Efficient Graph Sequence Mining using Reverse Search
gTybalt - a free computer algebra system
Guangnan (L6) and Ningqiang (CV3) - Exposure ages and radiogenic ages of two unusual chondrites
Guano-derived rare earth-rich phosphatic amygdales in gabbroic inclusions from Ascension Island
Guaranteed Minimum Rank Approximation from Linear Observations by Nuclear Norm Minimization with an Ellipsoidal Constraint
Guaranteed Rank Minimization via Singular Value Projection
Guaranteed successful strategies for a square achievement game on an n by n grid
Guaranteeing the diversity of number generators
Guarantees for the Success Frequency of an Algorithm for Finding Dodgson-Election Winners