Greenland precipitation estimates from the atmospheric moisture budget
Greenland superbolide event of 1997 December 9
GREGOR AO as a tool for telescope commissioning
GREGOR M1 mirror and cell design: effects of different mirror substrates on the telescope design
Gregory's ``Notæ in Isaaci Newtoni Principia Philosophiæ''
Grenvillian granulite-facies metamorphism in the Arequipa Massif, Peru: a Laurentia-Gondwana link
Grid and Mesh Patterned Electrically Conductive Coatings in Infrared Systems
GRID Architecture through a Public Cluster
Grid Computing in the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) scientific experiment
Grid Data Management in Action: Experience in Running and Supporting Data Management Services in the EU DataGrid Project
Grid Databases for Shared Image Analysis in the MammoGrid Project
Grid effects on the derived ion temperature and ram velocity from the simulated results of the retarding potential analyzer data
Grid Market Directory: A Web Services based Grid Service Publication Directory
Grid of chemical evolution models for galaxies (Molla+, 2005)
Grid of Lya radiation transfer models (Schaerer+, 2011)
Grid Security and Integration with Minimal Performance Degradation
Grid Technologies
Grid Vertex-Unfolding Orthogonal Polyhedra
Grid-Adaptive Computations of Magnetized Jets
Grid-based access control for Unix environments, Filesystems and Web Sites