Grazing incidence imaging telescope for X-ray astronomy using sounding rockets
GRB 030329 with SARA and TLS
GRB 060605: RTT150 optical observations
GRB 070125: The First Long-Duration Gamma-ray Burst in a Halo Environment
GRB 070311: a common origin for the prompt and afterglow emission
GRB 070318: A Case of Prompt Emission from the External Shock?
GRB 080319B: A naked-eye burst powered by unmagnetized internal shocks
GRB 080514B: the first high-energy AGILE burst with optical/NIR afterglow
GRB Afterglows and Other Transients in the SDSS
GRB afterglows from long-lived reverse shocks
GRB Analysis Results from GLAST Data Challenge 2
GRB Coordinates Network (GCN): A status report
GRB localizations from BATSE, Mars Observer, and Ulysses Observations
GRB observations with Konus-Wind in 1994-1997
GRB optical search in the Wide-field Plate Database and in the Flare Stars Database
GRB Polarimetry with POET
GRB prompt emission from internal shocks: spectral slope in the low gamma-ray range, high-energy photons and optical prompt emission
GRB prompt high-energy emission from internal shocks: a time-dependent model
GRB Redshifts & Host Galaxies: An Unbiased Sample
GRB spectra in the MeV range: hints from INTEGRAL