Daily variations of ELF data observed by a low-altitude satellite
Daily variations of geomagnetic H D and Z-field at equatorial latitudes
Daily variations of the upper-atmosphere parameters at middle latitudes
Daily, monthly, and yearly tidal cycles within laminated siltstones of the Mansfield Formation (Pennsylvanian) of Indiana
Dakota Skies, Astronomy and Linking Learning to Life through Technology
Dall-Null tester for spaceborne applications
DALOMIS - A Data Transmission and Localization System for Swarms of Microprobes
DAMA results and status report
Dama:. Results and Perspectives
Damage effects and mechanisms of proton irradiation on methyl silicone rubber
Damage to large optics by focusing acoustic transients, revision 2
DAME: Planetary-Prototype Drilling Automation
DAMNED: A Distributed and Multithreaded Neural Event-Driven simulation framework
Damped Lyman{alpha} systems (Ellison+, 2009)
Damping of Compressional Waves in Coronal Prominences
Damping of Coronal EIT Waves as a Tool for Plasma Diagnostics
Damping of Coronal Loop Oscillations
Damping of geomagnetic pulsations by the ionosphere
Damping of orbital inclinations by bending waves
Damping of standing slow waves in hot coronal loops