Upper limits to soft gamma-ray flux from seven X-ray sources and from the galactic plane
Upper limits to the interstellar radiation field between 775 and 1050 A
Upper mantle SH- and P-velocity structures and compositional models beneath southern Africa
Upper Mesospheric and Lower Thermospheric Temperature Effects Caused by Energetic Particle Precipitation During the 2003 Halloween Storm
Upper stratosphere negative ion composition measurements and inferred trace gas abundances
Upper-air temperatures around Greenland: 1964-2005
Upper-atmosphere rotation rate determined from the orbit of CHINA 6 rocket /1976-87B/
Upper-atmospheric glow at a wavelength of 630 nm investigated on the basis of Vertikal' 6 and 7 rocket measurements
Upper-beam communications on paths of medium extent
Uranium geochemistry in estuarine sediments: Controls on removal and release processes
Uranus deep atmosphere revealed
Urbana Meteor Radar observations during GRMWSP/CTOP periods
Usage of regularization techniques for effective electron collision frequency determination from oblique ionospheric sounding
Use of a compound signal to increase the resolution of an ionospheric station
Use of a global effective sunspot number IG(12) for long-term ionospheric predictions
Use of a personal computer for the real-time reception and analysis of data from a sounding rocket experiment
Use of A-Train data to estimate convective buoyancy and entrainment rate
Use of acoustic wave travel-time measurements to probe the near-surface layers of the Sun
Use of frequency measurement on satellite signals for computing differential Doppler and solar flare detection
Use of Radiosonde Temperature Data in Climate Studies.