Unistab - a New Attitude Control System for Sounding Rockets
Unitary variation of f0F2 as a characteristic of the global state of the ionosphere
United Kingdom programs in balloon ultraviolet astronomy
United Kingdom to Join ESO on July 1, 2002
Universal time effects in the polar ionosphere
Universal variation of the F2-layer critical frequency and solar activity
Universe of Oscillations: Sound - Radiowaves - Gamma-Rays - Ether
University of Virginia infrared sensor experiment (UVIRSE)
Unmanned lunar surface exploration
Unregelmässigkeit und Regelmässigkeit der Sporadischen E-Schicht
Untangling Phase and Time in Monophonic Sounds
Unusual optical properties of shocked deuterium at 13 GPa
Unusual Spectral Behavior of the Saturnian Satellites at Long Thermal Wavelengths
Unusual structure of the dayside low-latitude magnetopause energetic electron layer
Up-sampling and Natural Sample Value Computation for Digital Pulse Width Modulators
Updating of the IRI-1990 with respect to substorms
Upper and lower bounds of periods in variable white dwarfs
Upper atmosphere density derived from INTERKOSMOS 10 data
Upper atmospheric infrared radiance from CO2 and NO observed during the SPIRIT 1 rocket experiment
Upper limits for stratospheric H2O2 and HOCl from high resolution balloon-borne infrared solar absorption spectra