Satellite beacon contributions to studies of the structure of the ionosphere
Satellite data alters view on earth-space environment
Satellite data reveal the 3-D moisture structure of Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation and its coupling with underlying ocean
Satellite measurement of electron temperature and its behavioral characteristics in the region of the main ionospheric valley
Satellite measurements of H2O fluorescence in the mesosphere
Satellite measurements of solar UV during 1974
Satellite observations
Satellite observations of energetic electron precipitation during the 1979 solar eclipse and comparisons with rocket measurements
Satellite observations of planetary waves in the mesosphere
Satellite Observations of Radio Noise in the Magnetosphere
Satellite Observations of Space Shuttle Main Engine Exhaust: Vertical Diffusion and Meridional Transport
Satellite observations of suprathermal electron bursts
Satellite observations of the nitric oxide nightglow
Satellite radargrammetry, phase 1
Satellite radio beacon monitoring of the troposphere
Satellite remote sounding of atmospheric boundary layer temperature inversions over the subtropical eastern Pacific
Satellite remote sounding of mid-tropospheric CO2
Satellite studies of N/D-2/ emission and ion chemistry in aurorae
Satellite temperature measurements in the 40-90 km region by the Pressure Modulator Radiometer
Satellite traces, range spread-F occurrence, and gravity wave propagation at the southern anomaly crest