Experimental investigation of diurnal variations in precipitated corpuscular radiation
Experimental investigation of radiative-acoustic effects in the water by the thermodynamical conditions of DUMAND
Experimental investigation of the relationship between the parameters of short-wave signal diffraction patterns near the dead-zone boundary and the rate of change of the critical frequency of the F2-layer at the center of the path
Experimental investigations of ionospheric/stratospheric coupling in southern mid-latitudes. II - Comparison of mesospheric electron densities and drifts with stratospheric temperatures and winds
Experimental measurements of the ion concentration in the night-time ionospheric D-region
Experimental modelling of satellite wakes in auroral arcs
Experimental proof of directional filtering of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances
Experimental Research Progress of the VASIMR Engine
Experimental results from the HERO project - In situ measurements of ionospheric modifications using sounding rockets
Experimental results on the characteristics of semidiurnal tides in the mesopause-lower thermosphere region at various longitudes
Experimental studies of daytime LF radio propagation and their implications for D-region electron densities
Experimental study by the Doppler method of the effects of the self-interaction of high-power radio waves at the electron gyrofrequency in the F region of the ionosphere
Experimental Study of Dust Acoustic Waves in the Strongly Correlated Regime
Experimental study on the rheological properties of polycrystalline solid nitrogen and methane: Implications for tectonic processes on Triton
Experiments for measuring the energetic charged particle precipitation
Exploration of Mars in the SPICAM-IR experiment onboard the Mars-Express spacecraft: 2. Nadir observations: Simultaneous observations of water vapor and O2 glow in the Martian atmosphere
Exploration of small bodies in the solar system: related laboratory and modelling studies. Proceedings. B1.2 and B1.3 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific Commission B held during Thirty-Second COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Nagoya (Japan), 12 - 19 Jul 1998.
Exploration of the ionosphere from satellites
Exploration of the Kuiper Belt by serendipitous occultations using Ultraphot and MeFos instruments
Exploration of the Neptune System