Teaching Chemistry in a Social Learning Environment: Facing Drivers and Barriers
Teaching Result Analysis Using Rough Sets and Data Mining
Technologies for 3D Heterogeneous Integration
TER: A Robot for Remote Ultrasonic Examination: Experimental Evaluations
Testability of AND-EXOR Based Iterative Logic Arrays
Testing of Bridging Faults in AND-EXOR based Reversible Logic Circuits
The Accidental Detection Index as a Fault Ordering Heuristic for Full-Scan Circuits
The annealing induced extraordinary properties of SI based ZNO film grown by RF sputtering
The Aware Cricket Ground
The Axiomatic Foundation of Space in GFO
The Competitiveness of On-Line vis-a-vis Conventional Retailing: A Preliminary Study
The dependence on the initial states and the transitivity of the regular autonomous asynchronous systems
The Design and Fabrication of Platform Device for Dna Amplification
The Dynamics of Vehicular Networks in Urban Environments
The Effected Oxide Capacitor in CMOS Structure of Integrated Circuit Level 5 Micrometer Technology
The Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Classes for English as a Second Language
The Effects of Additives on the Physical Properties of Electroformed Nickel and on the Stretch of Photoelectroformed Nickel Components
The emergence of the physical world from information processing
The Expresso Microarray Experiment Management System: The Functional Genomics of Stress Responses in Loblolly Pine
The Fibonacci Sequence Mod m