Radio Frequency Identifiers: What are the Possibilities?
Radio Transmission Performance of EPCglobal Gen-2 RFID System
Rancangan Infrastruktur E-Bisnis Business Intelligence Pada Perguruan Tinggi
Random XML sampling the Boltzmann way
Rapid Generation of Thermal-Safe Test Schedules
Re-thinking Enrolment in Identity Card Schemes
Recent Developments in Mems-Based Micro Fuel Cells
Rectangular and Circular Antenna Design on Thick Substrate
Reduced 30% scanning time 3D multiplexer integrated circuit applied to large array format 20KHZ frequency inkjet print heads
Reduced-Order Modelling of the Bending of an Array of Torsional Micromirrors
Reduction in iron losses in Indirect Vector-Controlled IM Drive using FLC
Reductionism, emergence, and levels of abstractions
Reference Model for Performance Management in Service-Oriented Virtual Organization Breeding Environments
Rejection of Power Supply Noise in Wheatstone Bridges : Application to Piezoresistive MEMS
Relatively inertial delays
Relaxing Tight Frame Condition in Parallel Proximal Methods for Signal Restoration
Remote laboratories: new technology and standard based architecture
Resolution Limits for Resonant Mems Sensors Based on Discrete Relay Feedback Techniques
Retail Market analysis in targeting sales based on Consumer Behaviour using Fuzzy Clustering - A Rule Based Mode
Reusing optical supports using a simple software