Strong Spatial Mixing and Approximating Partition Functions of Two-State Spin Systems without Hard Constrains
Strongly Almost Periodic Sequences under Finite Automata Mappings
Structural properties of 1-planar graphs and an application to acyclic edge coloring
Structure and Recognition of 3,4-leaf Powers of Galled Phylogenetic Networks in Polynomial Time
Structure of random r-SAT below the pure literal threshold
Structure of some sand pile model
Subclasses of Normal Helly Circular-Arc Graphs
Subgraph Sparsification and Nearly Optimal Ultrasparsifiers
Submodular Function Maximization via the Multilinear Relaxation and Contention Resolution Schemes
Submodular problems - approximations and algorithms
Submodularity on a tree: Unifying $L^\natural$-convex and bisubmodular functions
Subshifts and Logic: Back and Forth
Subshifts, Languages and Logic
Substitutions over infinite alphabet generating (-β)-integers
Sums of powers via integration
Super-d-complexity of finite words
Supervisory Control of Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems
Surface Split Decompositions and Subgraph Isomorphism in Graphs on Surfaces
Symmetric functions with non-trivial arity gap