Calculus on Graphs
Cartesian product of hypergraphs: properties and algorithms
Catalan structures and Catalan pairs
Catching the k-NAESAT Threshold
Causal graph dynamics
Cellular Automata as a Model of Physical Systems
Cellular Automata Using Infinite Computations
Certain new M-matrices and their properties and applications
Certain t-partite graphs
Chain Homotopies for Object Topological Representations
Chains of Mean Field Models
Characterisation of observability and controllability for nonuniformly sampled discrete systems
Characterisations of Intersection Graphs by Vertex Orderings
Characterization Of A Class Of Graphs Related To Pairs Of Disjoint Matchings
Characterization of circulant graphs having perfect state transfer
Characterizations of probe interval graphs
Characterizing extremal digraphs for identifying codes and extremal cases of Bondy's theorem on induced subsets
Characterizing path graphs by forbidden induced subgraphs
Checking Tests for Read-Once Functions over Arbitrary Bases
Choice numbers of graphs