Rainbow Induced Subgraphs in Replication Graphs
Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Random hypergraphs and algorithmics
Random road networks: the quadtree model
Random sampling of colourings of sparse random graphs with a constant number of colours
Random Walks with Anti-Correlated Steps
Random Walks, Electric Networks and The Transience Class problem of Sandpiles
Randomized greedy algorithms for independent sets and matchings in regular graphs: Exact results and finite girth corrections
Randomly colouring simple hypergraphs
Randomly Roving Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ranking pages and the topology of the web
Really Straight Graph Drawings
Reconstruction and Clustering in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Reconstruction of complete interval tournaments
Recurrent Partial Words
Recursive Structure and Bandwidth of Hales-Numbered Hypercube
Refining the boundary between P and NP for identical machine scheduling problems with preemption and release dates
Regular Matroids with Graphic Cocircuits
Representing graphs as the intersection of axis-parallel cubes
Research report: State complexity of operations on two-way quantum finite automata