L.T.Kuzin: Research Program
Large Isolating Cuts Shrink the Multiway Cut
Lattice Structure and Convergence of a Game of Cards
Layout of Graphs with Bounded Tree-Width
Le probleme de l'isomorphisme de graphes est dans P
Learning Sequences
Least change in the Determinant or Permanent of a matrix under perturbation of a single element: continuous and discrete cases
Let's Make a Difference!
LIFO-search on digraphs: A searching game for cycle-rank
Limitations of Self-Assembly at Temperature 1
Linear Coloring and Linear Graphs
Linear Programming Formulation of the Boolean Satisfiability Problem
Linear Time Split Decomposition Revisited
Linear-programming design and analysis of fast algorithms for Max 2-Sat and Max 2-CSP
Local Maximum Stable Sets Greedoids Stemmed from Very Well-Covered Graphs
Local Multicoloring Algorithms: Computing a Nearly-Optimal TDMA Schedule in Constant Time
Local negative circuits and fixed points in Boolean networks
Localization on low-order eigenvectors of data matrices
Locally computable approximations for spectral clustering and absorption times of random walks
Locally identifying coloring of graphs