On Hadamard Conjecture
On Hadwiger's Number of a graph with partial information
On independent sets in random graphs
On Interval Colorings of Complete k-partite Graphs K_{n}^{k}
On irreversible dynamic monopolies in general graphs
On joint triangulations of two sets of points in the plane
On k-hypertournament losing scores
On Local Symmetries And Universality In Cellular Autmata
On Lower Bound for W(K_{2n})
On Making Directed Graphs Eulerian
On maximal repetitions of arbitrary exponent
On Mean Distance and Girth
On Minimal Unsatisfiability and Time-Space Trade-offs for k-DNF Resolution
On minimum vertex cover of generalized Petersen graphs
On Necessary and Sufficient Number of Cops in the Game of Cops and Robber in Multidimensional Grids
On normal odd partitions in cubic graphs
On Ordinal Covering of Proposals Using Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
On Orthogonalities in Matrices
On Orthogonality of Latin Squares
On Packing Colorings of Distance Graphs