Modélisation et manipulation de données historisées et archivées dans un entrepôt orienté objet
Models for Heavy Tailed Data and Applications
Modification of GTD from Flat File Format to OLAP for Data Mining
MOLAT: Atomic and Molecular Physics Databases of the Paris Observatory
Molecular Oxygen in the Thermosphere: Issues and Measurement Strategies
Monadic Datalog and the Expressive Power of Languages for Web Information Extraction
Monadic Datalog over Finite Structures with Bounded Treewidth
Monitoring Nove Oph 2012 for multiwavelength observations
Monitoring of CH Cyg requested for Chandra and HST observations
Monitoring of S Dor requested for multiwavelength campaign
Monitoring of V854 Cen requested
Monitoring the Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Sky Using Earth Occultation with GLAST GBM
Monotonic and Nonmonotonic Preference Revision
Morphological evolution from z~2 in the COSMOS field from Ks-band imaging
Morphological Galaxy Classification with Shapelets
Mragyati : A System for Keyword-based Searching in Databases
Multi-Survey and Statistical Methods for Cool White Dwarf Discovery
Multi-Wavelength Data Mining of the ISOPHOT Serendipity Sky Survey
Multi-wavelength Properties of the SDSS Galaxies divided into Fine Classes based on Morphology, Color and Spectral Features
Multidimensi Pada Data Warehouse Dengan Menggunakan Rumus Kombinasi