Mining Statistically Significant Substrings Based on the Chi-Square Measure
Mining Target-Oriented Sequential Patterns with Time-Intervals
Mining the CFHT Legacy Survey for known Near Earth Asteroids
Mining The Data From Distributed Database Using An Improved Mining Algorithm
Mining the Sky for Explosive Optical Transients with Both Eyes Open
Mining The Successful Binary Combinations: Methodology and A Simple Case Study
Mining Top-k Approximate Frequent Patterns
Mining tree-query associations in graphs
Minor Galaxy Interactions in the SDSS
Miscellaneous New Common Proper Motion Stars
Mitra, Pression, Equinox and Zodiac
Mobile Database System: Role of Mobility on the Query Processing
Mobile Information Collectors' Trajectory Data Warehouse Design
Modeling and interpretation of Nova's symmetry scaling data base
Modeling Complex Higher Order Patterns
Modeling of Ca II Absorption Features in the Solar Atmosphere
Modeling Planetary Formation
Modeling with the Advanced Science Analysis Package (ASAP)
Modeling Zircon Saturation Within Simulated Impact Events
Modélisation et extraction de données pour un entrepôt objet