Weaknesses of a dynamic identity based authentication protocol for multi-server architecture
Web 2.0 Technologies and Social Networking Security Fears in Enterprises
Web Single Sign-On Authentication using SAML
Wet paper codes and the dual distance in steganography
What are suspicious VoIP delays?
What Should be Hidden and Open in Computer Security: Lessons from Deception, the Art of War, Law, and Economic Theory
When being Weak is Brave: Privacy in Recommender Systems
When Watchdog Meets Coding
Where Have You Been? Secure Location Provenance for Mobile Devices
Who clicks there!: Anonymizing the photographer in a camera saturated society
WiFi Epidemiology: Can Your Neighbors' Router Make Yours Sick?
Will the Butterfly Cipher keep your Network Data secure? Developments in Computer Encryption
Windtalking Computers: Frequency Normalization, Binary Coding Systems and Encryption
Wreath Products in Stream Cipher Design
X-pire! - A digital expiration date for images in social networks
X-Vine: Secure and Pseudonymous Routing Using Social Networks
XML Rewriting Attacks: Existing Solutions and their Limitations
Zero-knowledge authentication schemes from actions on graphs, groups, or rings
ZEUS - A Domain-Oriented Fact Comparison Based Authentication Protocol