A 3D RGB Axis-based Color-oriented Cryptography
A Basic Framework for the Cryptanalysis of Digital Chaos-Based Cryptography
A Block Cipher using Rotation and Logical XOR Operations
A Business Goal Driven Approach for Understanding and Specifying Information Security Requirements
A chaos-based approach for information hiding security
A Chaotic Cipher Mmohocc and Its Randomness Evaluation
A Chaotic Cipher Mmohocc and Its Security Analysis
A Clustering-based Location Privacy Protection Scheme for Pervasive Computing
A Comparison between Memetic algorithm and Genetic algorithm for the cryptanalysis of Simplified Data Encryption Standard algorithm
A Comparison of Cryptography Courses
A Comparison of Link Layer Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks
A Comparison of Secret Sharing Schemes Based on Latin Squares and RSA
A Comparison of Trojan Virus Behavior in Linux and Windows Operating Systems
A Complexity Approach for Steganalysis
A computationally-efficient construction for the matrix-based key distribution in sensor network
A Context-based Trust Management Model for Pervasive Computing Systems
A Cost Effective RFID Based Customized DVD-ROM to Thwart Software Piracy
A Cryptographic Study of Some Digital Signature Schemes
A Cryptosystem Based on Hilbert Matrix using Cipher Block Chaining Mode
A d-Sequence based Recursive Random Number Generator