RAmM Algorithm(Simplex)
Randomness Efficient Steganography
Randomness Quality of CI Chaotic Generators: Applications to Internet Security
Rational Secret Sharing over an Asynchronous Broadcast Channel with Information Theoretic Security
Re-visiting the One-Time Pad
Reconciliation of a Quantum-Distributed Gaussian Key
Reconstructing the Nonlinear Filter Function of LILI-128 Stream Cipher Based on Complexity
Recover plaintext attack to block ciphers
Recursive double-size fixed precision arithmetic
Recursive Information Hiding in Visual Cryptography
Recursive Random Number Generator Using Prime Reciprocals
Recursive Secret Sharing for Distributed Storage and Information Hiding
Redesigning the Open Mobile Alliance License Choice Algorithm
Reducing Protocol Analysis with XOR to the XOR-free Case in the Horn Theory Based Approach
Reducing the Computation of Linear Complexities of Periodic Sequences over $GF(p^m)$
REESSE1+ . Reward . Proof by Experiment on 80-bit Moduli
Refinement of Strategy and Technology Domains STOPE View on ISO 27001
Reflection Scan: an Off-Path Attack on TCP
Refuting the Pseudo Attack on the REESSE1+ Cryptosystem
Reidentification and k-anonymity: a model for disclosure risk in graphs