Can Alice and Bob be random: a study on human playing zero knowledge protocols
Candidate One-Way Functions and One-Way Permutations Based on Quasigroup String Transformations
Capacity of Steganographic Channels
Case Study On Social Engineering Techniques for Persuasion
Categorical interpretations of some key agreement protocols
CD-PHY: Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks through Constellation Diversity
Cellular Automata in Stream Ciphers
CensorSpoofer: Asymmetric Communication with IP Spoofing for Censorship-Resistant Web Browsing
Certificate Revocation Paradigms
Certificate-based Single Sign-On Mechanism for Multi-Platform Distributed Systems
Changing Neighbors k Secure Sum Protocol for Secure Multi Party Computation
Channel Sounding for the Masses: Low Complexity GNU 802.11b Channel Impulse Response Estimation
Chaos for Stream Cipher
Chaotic iterations for steganography: Stego-security and topological-security
Chaotic iterations versus Spread-spectrum: chaos and stego security
Chaotic iterations versus Spread-spectrum: topological-security and stego-security
Characterization of $2^n$-periodic binary sequences with fixed 3-error or 4-error linear complexity
Characterization of $m$-Sequences of Lengths $2^{2k}-1$ and $2^k-1$ with Three-Valued Crosscorrelation
Characterizing Internet Worm Infection Structure
Characterizing Spam traffic and Spammers