ID-based Ring Signature and Proxy Ring Signature Schemes from Bilinear Pairings
Identification with Encrypted Biometric Data
Identifying Tipping Points in a Decision-Theoretic Model of Network Security
Identity Based Strong Designated Verifier Parallel Multi-Proxy Signature Scheme
Image Encryption Based on Diffusion and Multiple Chaotic Maps
Image Encryption Using Differential Evolution Approach in Frequency Domain
Image Steganography, a New Approach for Transferring Security Information
Impact of Rushing attack on Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Impact of Vehicular Communications Security on Transportation Safety
Impersonation with the Echo Protocol
Implementing a Unification Algorithm for Protocol Analysis with XOR
Implementing a Web Browser with Phishing Detection Techniques
Implementing New-age Authentication Techniques using OpenID for Security Automation
Implementing the modular eballot system V0.6
Implementing the Three-Stage Quantum Cryptography Protocol
Impossibility of Differentially Private Universally Optimal Mechanisms
Improved Analysis of Kannan's Shortest Lattice Vector Algorithm
Improved code-based identification scheme
Improved Content Based Image Watermarking
Improved identity-based identification using correcting codes