Using Repeating Decimals As An Alternative To Prime Numbers In Encryption
Using shifted conjugacy in braid-based cryptography
Using the Physical Layer for Wireless Authentication in Time-Variant Channels
Using Transcoding for Hidden Communication in IP Telephony
Validating a Web Service Security Abstraction by Typing
Van Wijngaarden grammars, metamorphism and K-ary malwares
Variations on Kak's Three Stage Quantum Cryptography Protocol
Vcache: Caching Dynamic Documents
Vectorial Resilient $PC(l)$ of Order $k$ Boolean Functions from AG-Codes
Verifying Search Results Over Web Collections
Verifying the Interplay of Authorization Policies and Workflow in Service-Oriented Architectures (Full version)
Video Encryption: A Survey
Visual Secret Sharing Scheme using Grayscale Images
VoIP Steganography and Its Detection - A Survey
Vulnerability Analysis of PAP for RFID Tags
Watermarking Java Programs using Dummy Methods with Dynamically Opaque Predicates
Watermarking Using Decimal Sequences
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale: Implications of Data Remanence on the Use of RAM for True Random Number Generation on RFID Tags (RFIDSec 2009)
Weakness Analysis and Improvement of a Gateway-Oriented Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol
Weakness in a Mutual Authentication Scheme for Session Initiation Protocol using Elliptic Curve Cryptography