The Secure Generation of RSA Moduli Using Poor RNG
The Separation of Duty with Privilege Calculus
The Smallville Effect: Social Ties Make Mobile Networks More Secure Against the Node Capture Attack
The Tale of One-way Functions
The Transitivity of Trust Problem in the Interaction of Android Applications
The use of machine learning with signal- and NLP processing of source code to fingerprint, detect, and classify vulnerabilities and weaknesses with MARFCAT
The weak password problem: chaos, criticality, and encrypted p-CAPTCHAs
The weight Enumerator of some irreducible cyclic codes
Theoretical cryptanalysis of the Klimov-Shamir number generator TF-1
Theoretical framework for constructing matching algorithms in biometric authentication systems
Theoretical limit of the compression for the information
Three Tier Encryption Algorithm For Secure File Transfer
Threshold Verification Technique for Network Intrusion Detection System
Time Stamp Attack in Smart Grid: Physical Mechanism and Damage Analysis
Time Stamp Attack on Wide Area Monitoring System in Smart Grid
Time Synchronization Attack in Smart Grid-Part I: Impact and Analysis
Time Synchronization Attack in Smart Grid-Part II: Cross Layer Detection Mechanism
Timed Analysis of Security Protocols
TorrentGuard: stopping scam and malware distribution in the BitTorrent ecosystem
Total Protection of Analytic Invariant Information in Cross Tabulated Tables