Strategic Arrivals into Queueing Networks: The Network Concert Queueing Game
Strategic Cooperation in Cost Sharing Games
Strategic delegation in a sequential model with multiple stages
Strategical languages of infinite words
Strategy Improvement for Concurrent Reachability and Safety Games
Strategy Improvement for Concurrent Safety Games
Strategy iteration is strongly polynomial for 2-player turn-based stochastic games with a constant discount factor
Strategy Iteration using Non-Deterministic Strategies for Solving Parity Games
Strategy Synthesis for Multi-dimensional Quantitative Objectives
Strategyproof Approximation Mechanisms for Location on Networks
Strictly Proper Mechanisms with Cooperating Players
Strong Nash Equilibria in Games with the Lexicographical Improvement Property
Strong normalisation for applied lambda calculi
Structural Solutions For Additively Coupled Sum Constrained Games
Structure of Extreme Correlated Equilibria: a Zero-Sum Example and its Implications
Study of the effect of cost policies in the convergence of selfish strategies in Pure Nash Equilibria in Congestion Games
Substitute Valuations: Generation and Structure
Sufficient Conditions for Formation of Social Networks with a Desired Topology
Sum of Us: Strategyproof Selection from the Selectors
Swap Bribery