Circular-Arc Cartograms
Clarksons Algorithm for Violator Spaces
Cloning Voronoi Diagrams via Retroactive Data Structures
Cohomologous Harmonic Cochains
Collective Construction of 2D Block Structures with Holes
Collinearities in Kinetic Point Sets
Colorful Strips
Coloring Planar Homothets and Three-Dimensional Hypergraphs
Common Edge-Unzippings for Tetrahedra
Communication-Efficient Construction of the Plane Localized Delaunay Graph
Comparing Distributions and Shapes using the Kernel Distance
Comparison of Persistent Homologies for Vector Functions: from continuous to discrete and back
Compatible Triangulations and Point Partitions by Series-Triangular Graphs
Complementary Space for Enhanced Uncertainty and Dynamics Visualization
Complete Subdivision Algorithms, II: Isotopic Meshing of Singular Algebraic Curves
Complexity Analysis of Balloon Drawing for Rooted Trees
Complexity and Algorithms for Euler Characteristic of Simplicial Complexes
Complexity of a Single Face in an Arrangement of s-Intersecting Curves
Complexity of Planar Embeddability of Trees inside Simple Polygons
Computation of the shortest path between two curves on a parametric surface by geodesic-like method