Succinct Greedy Geometric Routing in the Euclidean Plane
Succinct Greedy Graph Drawing in the Hyperbolic Plane
Succinct Representation of Well-Spaced Point Clouds
Sufficiently Fat Polyhedra are not 2-castable
Summing a polynomial function over integral points of a polygon. User's guide
Surface Parametrization of Nonsimply Connected Planar Bézier Regions
Sweeping an oval to a vanishing point
Symmetric Connectivity with Directional Antennas
Testing Bipartiteness of Geometric Intersection Graphs
The 2-Center Problem in Three Dimensions
The Clique Problem in Ray Intersection Graphs
The Complexity of Guarding Terrains
The Convergence of Bird Flocking
The convex hull of a regular set of integer vectors is polyhedral and effectively computable
The Cost of Bounded Curvature
The density of iterated crossing points and a gap result for triangulations of finite point sets
The Differential of the Exponential Map, Jacobi Fields and Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis
The dilation of the Delaunay triangulation is greater than π/2
The Dimension of Spline Spaces with Highest Order Smoothness over Hierarchical T-meshes
The directed Hausdorff distance between imprecise point sets