Exploring Simple Triangular and Hexagonal Grid Polygons Online
Failure Filtrations for Fenced Sensor Networks
Farthest-Polygon Voronoi Diagrams
Fast Approximation Algorithms for Art Gallery Problems in Simple Polygons
Fast Verification of Convexity of Piecewise-linear Surfaces
Fast Vertex Guarding for Polygons
Faster Algorithms for Rigidity in the Plane
Faster Shortest Non-contractible Cycles in Directed Surface Graphs
Fat Polygonal Partitions with Applications to Visualization and Embeddings
Finding an ordinary conic and an ordinary hyperplane
Finding Convex Hulls Using Quickhull on the GPU
Finding the Maximal Empty Rectangle Containing a Query Point
Finding the theta-Guarded Region
Finite-resolution hidden surface removal
Fixed-parameter tractability and lower bounds for stabbing problems
Flat Zipper-Unfolding Pairs for Platonic Solids
Flattening single-vertex origami: the non-expansive case
Flipping Cubical Meshes
Flipturning polygons
Flow Computations on Imprecise Terrains