An Efficient Compiler for Weighted Rewrite Rules
An Efficient Distribution of Labor in a Two Stage Robust Interpretation Process
An Efficient Generation Algorithm for Lexicalist MT
An Efficient Implementation of the Head-Corner Parser
An Efficient Inductive Unsupervised Semantic Tagger
An Efficient Probabilistic Context-Free Parsing Algorithm that Computes Prefix Probabilities
An Efficient, Probabilistically Sound Algorithm for Segmentation and Word Discovery
An electronic dictionary as a basis for NLP tools: The Greek case
An elitist approach for extracting automatically well-realized speech sounds with high confidence
An Empirical Approach to Temporal Reference Resolution
An Empirical Approach to Temporal Reference Resolution (journal version)
An Empirical Comparison of Probability Models for Dependency Grammar
An Empirical Evaluation of Probabilistic Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammars
An Empirical Investigation of Proposals in Collaborative Dialogues
An Empirical Model of Acknowledgment for Spoken-Language Systems
An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modeling
An Empirically Motivated Reinterpretation of Dependency Grammar
An Estimate of Referent of Noun Phrases in Japanese Sentences
An evaluation of Naive Bayesian anti-spam filtering
An Example-Based Approach to Japanese-to-English Translation of Tense, Aspect, and Modality