Object-oriented semantics of English in natural language understanding system
OCR Context-Sensitive Error Correction Based on Google Web 1T 5-Gram Data Set
OCR Post-Processing Error Correction Algorithm using Google Online Spelling Suggestion
Off-line Constraint Propagation for Efficient HPSG Processing
Off-line Optimization for Earley-style HPSG Processing
Off-line Parsability and the Well-foundedness of Subsumption
Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network
OMG U got flu? Analysis of shared health messages for bio-surveillance
On a cepstrum-based speech detector robust to white noise
On aligning trees
On Cloning Context-Freeness
On Constraint-Based Lambek Calculi
On Descriptive Complexity, Language Complexity, and GB
On Event Structure in the Torn Dress
On Hilberg's Law and Its Links with Guiraud's Law
On Implementing an HPSG theory -- Aspects of the logical architecture, the formalization, and the implementation of head-driven phrase structure grammars
On Learning More Appropriate Selectional Restrictions
On Reasoning with Ambiguities
On the Development of Text Input Method - Lessons Learned
On the Entropy of Written Spanish