Physical Controls on Antarctic Dry Valleys Permafrost Geomorphology and Soil Ecosystem Habitability: Cold-Desert Processes and Mars Astrobiological Implications
Physical Foundations of Consciousness: Brain Organisation: The Role of Synapses
Physical limits on cooperative protein-DNA binding and the kinetics of combinatorial transcription regulation
Physical origins of protein superfamilies
Physical Schemata Underlying Biological Pattern Formation - Examples, Issues and Strategies
Physically based 3D finite element model of a single mineralized collagen microfibril
Physico-chemical modelling of target depletion during hybridisation on oligonulceotide microarrays
Physico-chemical survival pattern for the radiophile D. radiodurans: a polyextremophile model for life on Mars
Physics of Evolution: Selection without Fitness
Physics of Psychophysics: it is critical to sense
Physics of RecA-mediated homologous recognition
Physics of the mind: Concepts, emotions, language, cognition, consciousness, beauty, music, and symbolic culture
Physics-based analysis of Affymetrix microarray data
Physiological characteristics of bacteria isolated from water brines within permafrost
Physiological modeling of isoprene dynamics in exhaled breath
Phytoplankton competition in deep biomass maximum
PICS: Probabilistic Inference for ChIP-seq
Piecewise linear models of chemical reaction networks
Pigmentation as a survival strategy for ancient and modern photosynthetic microbes under high ultraviolet stress on planetary surfaces
PIntron: a Fast Method for Gene Structure Prediction via Maximal Pairings of a Pattern and a Text