Design of a dynamic model of genes with multiple autonomous regulatory modules by evolution in silico
Design of a folding inhibitor of the HIV-1 Protease
Design of a sample acquistion system for the Mars exobiological penetrator
Design of amino acid sequences to fold into C_alpha-model proteins
Design of experiments and biochemical network inference
Design of HIV-1-PR inhibitors which do not create resistance: blocking the folding of single monomers
Design of magnetic tweezers for DNA manipulation
Design Options for a New European Astrobiology - Focussed Mars Mission - Vanguard
Design Principle of Gene Expression Used by Human Stem Cells; Implication for Pluripotency
Design, Fabrication, and Test of a Hydrothermal Reactor for Origin-of-Life Experiments
Designing Complex Networks
Designing sequential transcription logic: a simple genetic circuit for conditional memory
Designing the Dynamics of Spiking Neural Networks
DESIREE as a new tool for interstellar ion chemistry
Desynchronization and sustainability of noisy metapopulation cycles
Desynchronizing effect of high-frequency stimulation in a generic cortical network model
Detectability of Planetary Characteristics from Spatially and Spectrally-Resolved Models of Terrestrial Planets: Mars and Earth
Detectability of Planetary Characteristics in Disk-Averaged Spectra II: Synthetic Spectra and Light-Curves of Earth
Detectability of Planetary Characteristics in Disk-Averaged Spectra. I: The Earth Model
Detectability of Red-Edge-shifted Vegetation on Terrestrial Planets Orbiting M Stars