Characterization of Spitsbergen Disks by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy
Characterization of the Molecular Diversity of Rio Tinto Using a Novel Hydrothermal Vent Biosampler
Characterization of the norepinephrine-activation of adenylate cyclase suggests a role in memory affirmation pathways. Overexposure to epinephrine inactivates adenylate-cyclase,a causal pathway for stress-pathologies
Characterizing Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets with Reflected, Emitted and Transmitted Spectra
Characterizing large scale base composition structures of genomes
Characterizing neuromorphologic alterations with additive shape functionals
Characterizing phylogenetically decisive taxon coverage
Characterizing Polygonality in Biological Structures
Characterizing Self-Developing Biological Neural Networks: A First Step Towards their Application To Computing Systems
Characterizing spatiotemporal patterns in three-state lattice models
Characterizing synaptic conductance fluctuations in cortical neurons and their influence on spike generation
Characterizing the Diversity of Dynamics in Complex Networks Without Border Effects
Characterizing the First Potentially Habitable Super-Earth — GL581d
Characterizing Volcano Planets
Chargaff's "Grammar of Biology": New Fractal-like Rules
Charge transport in bacteriorhodopsin monolayers: The contribution of conformational change to current-voltage characteristics
Charge transport-mediated recruitment of DNA repair enzymes
Cheap and Sturdy Student Telescopes Made with Plumbing Parts
Check Your Data Freedom: A Taxonomy to Assess Life Science Database Openness
Chemical abundances in stars with extrasolar planetary systems